Ditch the 'Do-It-All' Mindset: How Top B2B SaaS Companies Really Grow

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In the B2B SaaS world, there's a dangerous myth: to succeed, you need to do everything in-house. At Pragmatic Growth, we've seen this "do-it-all" mindset derail more companies than we can count. It's time to set the record straight on how top B2B SaaS companies actually achieve sustainable growth.

The "Do-It-All" Trap

Many B2B SaaS companies fall into this trap:

  1. They try to build every feature in-house

  2. They attempt to master every aspect of marketing and sales

  3. They spread their resources thin across multiple initiatives

Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. But here's the kicker: this approach is killing your growth.

The Hard Truth: Specialization Wins

Let's look at the data:

  • Companies focusing on their core business outperform diversified firms by 30% in total shareholder returns (Harvard Business Review)

  • 66% of in-house technology projects end in partial or total failure (Standish Group)

Top B2B SaaS companies aren't trying to do it all. They're doing the opposite.

What Top B2B SaaS Companies Do Differently

  1. They Double Down on Core Competencies: Salesforce dominates CRM because they focus relentlessly on their core product. They're not trying to build their own email service or develop a new operating system.

  2. They Strategically Outsource and Partner: Zoom partners with dozens of companies for features like transcription, scheduling, and CRM integration. They focus on what they do best: video conferencing.

  3. They Leverage Low-Code/No-Code Solutions: By 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will use low-code or no-code technologies (Gartner) Example: Airtable, despite being a software company, uses no-code tools to rapidly prototype and test new features before committing to full development.

  4. They Prioritize Integration Over Building Example: HubSpot's success is largely due to its vast ecosystem of integrations. They don't try to build everything; they make it easy for their platform to work with other best-in-class tools.

The New Playbook for B2B SaaS Growth

  1. Identify Your True Core: What do you do better than anyone else? That's where you focus.

  2. Ruthlessly Eliminate Distractions: If it's not core, it's a distraction. Be prepared to cut projects that don't align with your core.

  3. Build a Partnership Ecosystem: Don't reinvent the wheel. Partner with companies that excel in areas you need but aren't core to your offering.

  4. Embrace Integration: Make your product play well with others. The easier it is to integrate, the more valuable it becomes.

  5. Use Data to Drive Decisions: Let data, not hunches, guide your growth strategy.

Case Study: How TechSmart SaaS Ditched "Do-It-All" and Won

TechSmart SaaS, a project management SaaS, was struggling to grow. They were building everything in-house, from their own analytics engine to a custom CRM.

The Turnaround

  1. They scrapped non-core projects, focusing solely on project management features

  2. They partnered with a leading analytics firm for advanced reporting

  3. They integrated with top CRM platforms instead of building their own


  • Development cycles shortened by 40%

  • Customer satisfaction increased by 35%

  • Revenue grew by 50% in the first year after changes

The Bottom Line

The most successful B2B SaaS companies aren't trying to do everything. They're focused on doing one thing exceptionally well and smart enough to leverage partnerships and integrations for everything else.

It's time to ditch the "do-it-all" mindset. Focus on your core. Remember, the goal is not just growth for growth's sake, but sustainable, quality-driven expansion that enhances your core offering rather than diluting it.

Serkan Haşlak

Serkan Haşlak

Founder at Pragmatic Growth

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Serkan Haşlak founded Pragmatic Growth to help B2B SaaS companies boost revenue through innovative, data-backed strategies. With over 15 years in tech, Serkan has shaped his approach around what matters: understanding customers and driving real results. He's worked his way up through key roles at Foriba, Sovos, and Param, picking up invaluable insights along the way. Serkan is all about turning complex data into clear, actionable plans that make a real difference to a company's bottom line. He loves diving deep into customer challenges and coming up with solutions that fit just right. Known for his laser focus on revenue, Serkan is the go-to person for companies looking to grow in the competitive B2B SaaS world. At Pragmatic Growth, he's using all this experience to help businesses achieve the kind of success they can measure.

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